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To promote the sport of Blokarting in Victoria and to develop Casey Fields, in conjunction with the City of Casey, into a State, National and International Blokarting venue.


  1. To raise the profile of Blokarting as an all ages, all abilities, exciting and safe land sailing sport.

  2. To manage a sailing venue and events that cater for both competitive and social Blokart sailing suitable for all ages and all abilities.

  3. To increase participation in Blokarting events, at local, state, national & international levels, and continue to build VBC membership.




The Victorian Blokart Club (VBC) was established in 2012 to provide a safe and pleasant environment for members to enjoy this sport.  The member base has fluctuated since then between 10 and 25 members, that range between 15 to 87 years of age.  Blokarts are sailed in both social and competitive events.  Club members have also performed strongly at state,  National and International levels over the years.  The VBC is a not for profit organisation focussed around a very strong passion for this exciting sport.  The strength of the VBC is in its dedicated and passionate members.


The VBC is a member of the Australian Blokart Association Inc. (ABA) and Australian Sailing (AS). Sailing at Casey Fields, and at other venues. Governed by the rules of the International Blokart Racing Association (IBRA version 7).


The purpose of the VBC Strategic Plan 2021-2023 is to articulate a strategic future vision for the Club over the two year period.  The plan communicates the Club’s key strategic objectives and presents key actions to be undertaken to achieve these objectives.


The VBC recognises the critical importance of its relationships and partnerships with local communities and their organisations.  In particular the significance of the City of Casey, local residents, schools, community groups as well as peak bodies, such as the Australian Blokart Association, Australian Sailing & Sailing Victoria, cannot be under-estimated, and will continue to underpin the club’s success and sustainability.

©2021 by Victorian Blokart Club.

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